昇辉服装(深圳)有限公司--IT Engineer--招聘----服装人才网http://www.51haojob.com
昇辉服装(深圳)有限公司 IT Engineer     招聘人数 『4』 更新时间:2006/9/17 浏览数:2811
IT Engineer
招聘种类: 全职 职位种类: 计算机人员 - 计算机维护人员
最低学历要求: 本科 以上 工作地区: 广州  
工资水平: 面议 更新日期: 2006/9/17
年龄要求: 不限 招聘对象: 不限
性别要求: 不限 工作经验: 1年
Skills/ Requirements:
- Degree in Computer Science or equivalent.
- Extensive knowledge and solid experience in VB.NET, ASP, Access, Crystal Report, SQL, Oracle.
- At least 2-year experience in application development in client/server or Web base platform
- Fluency in written and spoken English & Mandarin; Cantonese is preferrable

Key Responsibilities:
- Decompose systems design to programs design to produce deliverables.
- Perform software programming to implement the design of systems.
- Define testing plan to ensure every deliverable be integrated and perfect.
- Write operation and technical documents to ease future support.
- Provide training and support to assure users are able to run systems properly and efficiently.
- Research new tools to shorten development cycle.
- Assist supervisor to act as a backup.
- Corporate ERP application support



  本公司是一家美资上市公司, 500强之一,全球员工超过一万七千人, 总部设于美国新泽西洲, 公司主要业务为设计及分销服装、手袋、鞋、帽、丝巾、香水及化妝品等。 销售市場包括美国、加拿大、欧洲及亚洲等地。
北京总部  电话:010-84831466  传真:010-84831466  
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