暂未上传Logo 所属国家 中国
所属地区 南海区
所属行业 内衣、家居服,泳装、沙滩装
公司性质 制造商
企业规模 1000-9999人
  公司自2000年7月成立以来,从拥有衣车多台、员工200人、只能从事较小规模生产的小厂,发展到现在拥有衣车0多台、员工1400多人的中等规模生产厂,拥有日本旭化成电脑全自动放码及自动排唛架功能的CGMS系统。公司负责人梁舜群副总经理从事内衣行业近20年,对内衣制作及经营工厂具有非常丰富的经验;公司内衣设计版型师和产品质检负责人也都是从事相关内衣行业15年以上,对内衣样板打样及改进方面经验丰富,对公司产品制作及质量控制具有一定的专业水平。目前公司日产量2700打左右, 月产量72000打左右,可承接来样来料加工、来样包工包料等加工订单业务,长期与较多国际国内知名品牌合作(如日本WACOAL、日本TRIUMPH、美国MAIDENFORM、 WARNACO、C&A、 levi''s、JCPenny、 VF、国内MAINFORM等),专业加工文胸、束身衣、内裤、吊带裙、睡衣保暖衣、泳衣等全系列内衣产品。
Ever since LISSOM UNDERWEAR CO. LTD founded in 2000, July, it has developed to be a moderate scale underwear manufacturer which at the beginning was a small size only with sartoriuses and 200 employees. Now it possesses more than 0 sartoriuses, over 0 employees, ASAHIKASEI computers from Japan with AGMS SYSTEM which automatically arrange size control and cut-out. The vice general manager, Liang shunqun, who is in charge of the company, has been in underwear industry for 20 years and so is very experienced in underwear tailoring and factory managing. The persons in charge of sample proofing and quality control have been in this industry for 15 years and as a result their rich experiences contribute a lot to the company’s professional product manufacturing and quality control. At present, the daily production of the company is around 2700 dozens and monthly production is around 72000 dozens. Orders could be made in accordance with samples and materials supplied by customers or made according to buyers’ design but we responsible for material supply and processing. The company has long-term business relationship with some famous international and national brands, for example, WACOAL and TRIUMPH from Japan, MAIDENFORM, WARNACO, JCPENNY, and VF from USA, MAINFORM at home. PIERRE CARDIN from ITALY,Our professional production range includes bras, adjustive underwear, underpants, bustiers, pajamas, thermal clothes, swimming clothes, etc. 4

 发布日期 职位名称 工作地点
2009/10/25 外贸业务经理 佛山  南海区  
2009/10/25 文员 南海区  
2009/10/25 外贸跟单员 南海区  
北京总部  电话:010-84831466  传真:010-84831466  
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